Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Maintenance Release Available

A new maintenance release of the Lightstreamer software suite is publicly available.
Below is a summary of the changes.

SDK for Web Clients
v. 4.3.1 build 1355.3 (compatible with Server since 3.5)
- Fixed a bug on the Engine migration mechanism which, in some cases, could cause subsequent rebinds or reconnections to fail and not be recovered correctly.
- Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected disconnections in case synchronous polling were configured with a high polling timeout.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with IE6 affecting access to the Server in https. The issue, introduced with the previous release, caused the browser to warn for the presence of both "secure and nonsecure items".
- Added checks for incorrect values supplied through property setters.

SDK for Flash/Flex Clients (Native AS)
v. 1.2 build 54 (Compatible with Server since 3.5)
- Fixed a bug that might cause spurious transitions to STALLED state. In some cases, spurious reconnections could even occur.
- Fixed a bug that might cause a session open attempt to resort to polling mode or to fail in case the Metadata Adapter enforces a limit on the number of open sessions. The bug was introduced with the latest version of the library.
- Removed internal classes from the "manifest" file.
- Suppressed logging of initial preamble used to escape initial buffering of the response.

SDK for Java SE Clients
v. 2.3 build 1063 (compatible with Server since 3.5)
- Revised the usage and default value of the probeTimeoutMillis and probeWarningMillis attributes of the ConnectionInfo class (used by both "lsclient" and "lsproxy" interfaces) in order to conform with the web client library.
- Fixed a bug that might cause probeTimeoutMillis to be used in place of probeWarningMillis.

SDK for .NET Clients
v. 1.1.3323.32539 (compatible with Server since 3.5)
- Revised the usage and default value of the probeTimeoutMillis and probeWarningMillis attributes of the ConnectionInfo class, in order to conform with the web client library.
- Fixed a bug that might cause probeTimeoutMillis to be used in place of probeWarningMillis.

SDK for .NET Adapters
v. 1.5.3331.32630 (compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure since 1.2.1)
- Introduced a simple internal keepalive mechanism on the connections towards the Proxy Adapters, in order to prevent intermediate network nodes from dropping some connection due to inactivity.
- Extended the Close method of the MetadataProviderServer and DataProviderServer classes, to also close the involved connections.
- Fixed a bug that might provoke redundant calls to the handleException exception handler after Close had been invoked.

SDK for Adapter Remoting Infrastructure
v. 1.2.1 build 38 (compatible with Server Adapter Interface since 3.5)
- Introduced a simple keepalive mechanism on the connections towards the Remote Server, in order to prevent intermediate network nodes from dropping some connection due to inactivity.
- Dismissed the use of the "eos_count_limit" and "eos_sleep_time" parameters for the networked versions of the Proxy Adapters, in which retries on end-of-stream errors are no longer performed.

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