- You now have again control on the maximum number of concurrent sessions on the same Server. This feature was part of SDKs version 1.x, but couldn't be included in version 2.0.x.
- You now have again a connection event specific for authentication challenges. This feature too was part of SDKs version 1.x, but couldn't be included in version 2.0.x.
- Minimum OS requirements have been raised to 10.9 for macOS and 8.0 for iOS. Thanks to this, we could remove the use of NSURLConnection and all HTTP networking is now done through NSURLSession, reducing the use of threads.
- The SDKs are now packaged as frameworks, no more as static libraries. Thanks to this, the download size has been reduced and they cohabit better with other libraries when imported via CocoaPods (in particular for projects developed with Swift).
Note: if you need download and example pointers, jump directly to the end of the post ("Get the SDKs").